1.  >>  高等继续教育 / 建筑工程定额与预算
 高等继续教育 / 建筑工程定额与预算

题型描述: 单选题
钢筋、铁件子目中,已包括钢筋、铁件的制作、安装损耗,不得另行计算损耗量,其中现浇混凝土构件中Ⅱ、Ⅲ级钢的损耗率为( )
  • 国务院有关部门和( )组织制定经济、技术政策,应当充分考虑对环境的影响,听取有关方面和专家的意见。 国家开放大学
  • 任何用户都可以使用mount命令挂装文件系统。Linux操作系统
  • 4、As more states require high school students to pass competence exams before graduating, evidence suggests that cheating among students is _ 1 _ the rise. Many educators are concerned _ 2 _ dishonest behavior among examinees, and have _ 3 _ a number of campaign to control cheating. In spite of their efforts, however, cheating seems to be increasingly _ 4 _ among students in both high schools and universities. Numerous arguments have been made about the cause of this widespread problem. Some experts believe it is _ 5 _ to changes in American society as a whole since, _ 6 _ earlier times, modern America is largely a nation of strangers. _ 7 _ , moral values are not taught or reinforced as they were in “the good old days”. Many educators feel that as students gain confidence _ 8 _ themselves and their abilities, they are _ 9 _ likely to cheat. Surprisingly, some efforts to prevent cheating may actually _ 10 _ cheating. 1. A. in                  B. at                 C. on                 D. to 2. A. about               B. for                C. to                  D. in 3. A. carried              B. began              C. formed             D. launched 4. A. contagious           B. appeared           C. showed             D. found 5. A. focused             B. bound              C. linked              D. contrary 6. A. Like                B. Unlike             C. As                D. At 7. A. But                B. Nevertheless        C. Because            D. Additionally 8. A. to                  B. in                 C. for                 D. at 9. A. more                B. much              C. less                D. most 10. A. encourage            B. discourage          C. approve            D. disapprove英语(二)
  • 1、根据《安全生产法》的规定,生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单位安全生产工作负有的职责包括()。 (分数:3 分) A. 建立健全本单位安全生产责任制 B. 组织制定本单位安全生产规章制度和操作规程程 C. 处理具体安全事务 D. 督促、检查本单位的安全生产工作,及时消除生产安全事故隐患工程建设法概论
  • 某一买卖合同设定了定金条款,其中主合同的标的额为500万元,则定金的数额应为(  )万元。  建设法规
  • 在吉赛利所研究的领导者的个性特征中,对取得成效关系最大的特征是( )管理学