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 成人高等教育 / 制药工程原理与设备

  • A、
  • B、
  • C、
  • D、
  • 下列选项中,属于公务员权利的包括( )(A) 获得履行职责应当具有的工作条件 (B) 获得工资报酬 (C) 参加培训 (D) 申请辞职 (E) 参加行政诉讼行政法
  • 49、Americans enjoy sports. The three national sports are American football, played in the fall; basketball, played in the winter; and baseball, played in the summer. The crowds at these events may surprise you. The World Series and the Super bowl will attract tens of thousands of fans to the stadium and there will be much shouting and cheering, but even if the spectator become very angry there is rare any violence. Besides these big events, sports as recreation are enjoyed throughout the country. Golf, tennis, riding, sailing, surfing, jogging, and even parachuting, are popular recreational activities. You will find that the equipment for these sports can often be rented, so that even visitors are not excluded. Playing the sport you like is considered an essential part of a person's life. Luckily, the great natural resources such as lakes, mountains and vast seacoasts in the country allow Americans the space they need to enjoy themselves.统考英语阅读理解
  • 两党制以( )最为典型。 得分: 分 系统自动批改于2021年3月7日 0点12分 政治学原理
  • 49、一座大楼内的网络属于_______。 A.局域网 B.城域网 C.广域网 D.互联网计算机统考
  • 大多数局域网采用以中央结点为中心与各结点连接的方式,按拓扑结构分,这属于( )结构。 计算机应用基础
  • 39、对于已经收藏的网页______。 A.网页中的内容再也不会有任何改变 B.当网站中的该网页发生改变时,收藏的网页中的内容就改变 C.自己可以任意改动网页 D.网页内容已经保存在电脑上计算机统考